Poplar Leaf

Poplar Leaf

Poplar Leaf Sampling Protocol

When to Sample: Last week of August or first week of September.

Where: In the upper third of the crown, as close to the top as possible, ideally from the last whorl.

How: Four current-year shoots are sampled in the directions of the four cardinal points. The first two and last two leaves from each shoot are removed. All remaining leaves are collected with their petioles and mixed. This constitutes the sample for one tree. These operations should be done immediately after the shoots are taken to avoid element redistribution.

Quantity: Minimum of 30 leaves.

Conditioning: Place the batch in a clean, sturdy plastic bag. Label each batch clearly with: Name, address, variety, rootstock, date of sampling, and plot reference.

Precautions: Do not sample early in the morning or late in the evening. Avoid sampling during rainy weather or when leaves are wet.