Book Chapters

Book Chapters

USRAVE has contributed to the writing of several book chapters, listed below.


P. Masson, Chapter 14 - Quantitative Analysis—Method Validation—Quality Control, In High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Phytochemical Analysis, 2011.


V. Sappin-Didier., S. Brayette, C. Jade, D. Baize, P. Masson, M. Mench, Phytodisponobilité du cadmium pour le blé. Rôle des paramètres pédologiques et agronomiques. In D. Baize & M. Tercé, " Les éléments en traces métalliques dans les sols, approches fonctionnelles et spatiales ", INRA édition, Paris, 2002.


M. Mench, V. Amans, V. Sappin-Didier, S. Fargues, A. Gomez, M. Löffler, P. Masson and D. Arrouays (1997). A study of additives to reduce availability of Pb in soil to plants, In Remediation of Soils Contamined with Metals, Iskandar I K & Adriano D C (eds), Science Review s, Northwood, UK. pp.185-202.