

USRAVE primarily works on plant materials. It is capable of preparing and analyzing all parts of plants (fruits, stems, roots, leaves, needles, wood, bark, cells, flours) and does so for all types of plants (trees, cereals, grasses, vegetables, etc.).

©A. Marquot © A. Marquot

The analyses conducted at USRAVE focus on major elements essential for plant growth (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.), trace elements (iron, copper, etc.), as well as trace metals that have a direct impact on the environment or health (cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, nickel, etc.).

As a service to researchers and a contributor to scientific knowledge, USRAVE is committed to providing reliable and robust analytical results. Since 1992, the unit has been engaged in a quality assurance approach. The investment in:

  • Equipment: metrological controls, sample management software (LIMS),
  • Human resources: training, involvement,
  • Technical resources: production of control samples, method validation,
  • Scientific development: high-performance and innovative methods,

has led to the recognition of its technical competence by COFRAC (the French Accreditation Committee) under the LAB-GTA45 and LAB GTA25/60 programs, with accreditation number 1-1838. The scope of accreditation is available at

USRAVE develops new analytical methods along three main lines:

  • Handling of very small sample masses,
  • Quantification of very low concentrations (e.g., analysis of platinum, palladium, and rhodium by ICP-MS),
  • Development of methods for routine analysis using X-ray fluorescence or laser ablation coupled with ICP-MS.