Deciduous Trees

Deciduous Trees

Sampling Protocol for Deciduous Trees.

When to Sample: Second half of August.

Where: From 10 healthy and uniform trees that are representative of the plot.

How: Cut the tip of one or more lateral shoots near the top without detaching the leaves; they will separate easily after drying.

Quantity: Approximately 10 grams of dry matter, or 30 to 50 grams of green leaves from the 10 trees constituting each sample.

Conditioning: Place the batch of leaves in a clean, sturdy plastic bag. Label each batch clearly with: Name, address, variety, rootstock, date of sampling, and plot reference.

Precautions: For water-rich leaves from deciduous species, it is advisable to partially dry them in the sun, or at least in the air, in a dust-free area to prevent mold. Drying should be done about one day before shipping.

If you wish to avoid the risks associated with drying, ship the sample immediately and by express to the laboratory.