

Carrot Sampling Protocol.

When to Sample: A few days before harvest.

How: Harvest the carrots carefully to avoid damaging the root and introducing soil particles, which are difficult to remove by washing. It is best to use a spade to extract the soil with the plant and manually remove the adhering soil. Drain and dry the carrots before shipping.

Quantity: For average composition, regular sampling from different points across the entire plot is sufficient; the laboratory will create a composite sample for analysis (300 to 500 grams of fresh material). To account for spatial variability, sample enough material from each point to ensure the feasibility of the analysis, i.e., a minimum of 300 to 500 grams of fresh material.

Conditioning: Place the sample in a clean, sturdy plastic bag or net, and then in packaging that prevents damage. Label each batch clearly with: Name, address, variety, date of sampling, and plot reference.

Precautions: Ship to the laboratory as soon as possible.