

Certified at the end of 2008, the "Réseau Mixte Technologique" (RMT) Quasaprove aims to improve the sanitary conditions in pre- and post-harvest stages of major French plant productions (cereals, oilseeds, sugar beets). USRAVE is a partner in the RMT Quasaprove and conducts methodological developments (representativeness of field sampling) with its partners.

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The actions of the RMT aim to develop interactions and synergies among the RMT partners, who are involved in agricultural development (agricultural and agro-industrial technical institutes, Chambers of Agriculture, cooperatives, agricultural trade), research (INRAE, FranceAgriMer, UPPA-LCABIE, Anses), and education (agricultural high schools, University of Pau and the Adour region, BSA, ENILIA-ENSMIC), on the theme of quality and safety of major plant productions primarily intended for human and animal consumption.

This network benefits from financial support from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries, Rural Affairs, and Spatial Planning.

Learn more about RMT Quasaprove.