
Integrated Carbon Observation System

USRAVE has been selected as the central European laboratory for the analysis of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) in plants for the Thematic Center Ecosystems of the ICOS program.


ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System) is a European research infrastructure (ESFRI) aimed at quantifying and understanding greenhouse gas fluxes across the European continent and adjacent regions (https://icos-france.fr/). It is organized into three different components (Atmosphere, Ecosystems, Oceans), each coordinated by a thematic center.

In this context, the unit receives leaf samples collected from all ICOS Ecosystems sites. USRAVE is responsible for preparing the samples (grinding), mineralization (when necessary), and conducting the actual analysis (elemental analyzer and ICP-OES). The unit also serves as the repository for ICOS Ecosystem leaf samples through the establishment of a plant sample library.

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