Cabbage or Lettuce

Cabbage or Lettuce

Cabbage or Lettuce Sampling Protocol.

When to Sample: A few days before harvest.

How: Only the aerial parts should be sampled, avoiding contamination with soil. No washing should be performed before shipment.

Quantity: For average composition, create a representative primary batch from 10 plants; the laboratory will prepare the composite sample for analysis (300 to 500 grams of fresh material). To account for spatial variability, sample enough material from each point to ensure the feasibility of the analysis, i.e., a minimum of 300 to 500 grams of fresh material.

Conditioning: Place the sample in a clean, sturdy plastic bag or net, and then in packaging that prevents damage. Label each batch clearly with: Name, address, variety, date of sampling, and plot reference.

Precautions: Ship to the laboratory as soon as possible.